253 results total, viewing 1 - 20
During a Feb. 10 meeting, White County Commissioner Roger Mason addressed Steering Committee B about the future of animal services in the county. The discussion centered on the county’s current … more
This week, I want to address two important concerns. First, regarding brush pickup within the city limits of Sparta: At this time, we must temporarily halt brush collection from private … more
A wreck occurred this afternoon in the vicinity of BonDeCroft Elementary. According to Sheriff Steve Page, he and his deputies were directing traffic, when a semi ran through the wreck scene and was … more
BonDeCroft Elementary is currently without power and phone service due to a wreck nearby that has taken down power lines.  Parent pick-up will continue as normal at 3 p.m.  We are … more
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District is closely monitoring a series of forecasted rain events expected to bring six to seven inches of rainfall across the … more
 White County Sheriff’s Office recently conducted an undercover operation in which they found 11 stores selling vaping products to underage consumers. According to Sheriff Steve Page, … more
Sparta Board of Mayor and Aldermen discussed the demolition of a couple of building and the repair of the city’s swimming pool during their Feb. 6 meeting. The city approved a bid of … more
With tax season upon us and ongoing discussions about federal spending dominating the news, I thought it would be helpful to provide a breakdown of our county’s budget. This article focuses on … more
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee released, on Feb. 10, the following excerpts ahead of his seventh State of the State address that will be delivered  6 p.m. CST, Feb. 11, in the House Chamber of the … more
Congratulations to the White County High School JROTC. They conducted their First Military Ball, on Feb. 1, 2025. This event is a traditional event held by the military annually. WCHS JROTC … more
Question: What is the status of the brush pickup in the city?  Do you have a timeframe as to when the service will start back up? Answer: When the county had issues with the landfill and … more
Industrial development plays a crucial role in the economic health of any community. However, finding the right location, installing the necessary infrastructure, securing funding, making wise … more
On Jan. 30, Tennessee General Assembly passed the Governor’s “Tennessee Education Freedom Act” despite pushback from local school boards. The bill, which now only needs Gov. … more
City of Sparta is working with Tennessee Department of Transportation to develop a sidewalk system on North Spring Street. The city  held a meeting Jan. 30 for citizens to come together and … more
I am thrilled to announce that on Thursday, Feb. 6, the City of Sparta will launch our weather radio giveaway program. Thanks to a partnership with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), we have … more
 Clean Heart Christian Ministries is a vital helping agency for the Upper Cumberland, touching hundreds of lives through recovery programs, anger management, loss and grief recovery, and … more
 The Youth Community Action Program, sponsored by Sparta-White County YMCA, hopes to provide support for underserved students and allow them to claim a brighter future by offering safe spaces … more
 White County Humane Society is pleased to announce they have received a grant in the amount of $12,000 from the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee (CFMT.)  Funding for this grant was … more
White County Fair has proved once again that hard work pays off as they took home the honor of State Champion in Division A. Tennessee’s agricultural fairs were honored for their successes when … more
The Expositor is hiring a full-time reporter to work Monday-Friday at the office; no remote work. Candidate for job must possess excellent knowledge of grammar and be able to write stories that are … more
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