North End Volunteer Fire Department provided automatic mutual aid with Sparta Fire Department, South Group Fire, and Cassville Volunteer Fire Department for a reported structure fire, with a resident still inside the structure. While en route, the resident was rescued, and the fire was extinguished. North End Volunteer Fire Department was cancelled
During the second incident, North End Volunteer Fire Department, with automatic mutual aid from Cassville Volunteer Fire Department, East Group Fire, and Sparta Fire Department was dispatched to Blue Bonnet Lane for a structure fire, possible HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning system).
Upon arrival, light smoke was coming from residence. A quick response and quick knockdown kept the fire to minimal damage to the residence. The fire had ruptured a water line under the residence helped control the fire until firefighters could arrive and finish extinguishing the fire. No incidents were reported.
NorthEnd Volunteer Fire Department would like to every fire department that assisted, as well as White County Sheriff’s Office, Caney Fork Electric, and White County Emergency Medical Service.
in the third incident, North End Volunteer Fire Department provided automatic mutual aid with Sparta Fire Department and South Group Fire, on Old Smithville Highway. The initial call was a back porch on fire but was downgraded to a rubbish fire upon arrival of Cassville Volunteer Fire Department. All other units en route were cancelled.
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