Backpacks needed for children of East Tennessee floods


Bear Cove Baptist Church is collecting backpacks, packed with school supplies, throughout the month of November. The goal is 1,000 backpacks: 500 for boys, 500 for girls (all ages, kindergarten-high school). Please tag your backpacks to indicate boy or girl.

Supply list for each backpack

  • ONE 3-ring binder
  • TWO spiral bound notebooks
  • TWO two-pocket folders
  • Pencils                      
  • Crayons (one small box of 24)
  • Travel-size hygiene items, one each: deodorant, toothpaste & toothbrush, hand sanitizer

Drop-off sites

Bear Cove Baptist Church (9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.)

Union Baptist Association building (10 a.m.-1:30 p.m.)

For more information call

Mike Creppel (931) 256-6315

Bear Cove Baptist Church (931) 738-8040


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