Minute with the Mayor


I would like to take this time to give a quick update on some of the city’s events and projects that are taking place or have been completed.

The Sparta Hardware building debris has been removed, and the cleanup is near completion.  The future plans for that lot have not been determined. The owner of the lot will be making that decision in the near future.

The Gaines Street sidewalk project has been started and is not complete as of this date.  The plan is to make sure all the adjoining roads and sidewalk crossing areas are ADA compliant.  We do not want people putting safety at risk as they have to move into the road with strollers, wheelchairs, and scooters.

The Lester Flatt Liberty Square Celebration will begin this Saturday at 11:15 a.m.  We have a great lineup of talent and all-day bluegrass music plus many vendors there to showcase their wares.  Come out, bring a chair and join us on the square this Saturday. The weather is looking very promising.

We are moving forward with the Splash Pad and have settled on a concept with the design team this past week.  As soon as we get the plans and drawings, we will release those to the public.  I cannot wait to show the city of Sparta and White County how it will look.

We are upgrading the park playground equipment at Wallace- Smith Park and South Carter Street Park.  The equipment is being ordered and possibly have the new installed by the first of the year.

The October 17th Mayor and Alderman board meeting has been cancelled due to fall break and a very limited agenda. Our next meeting will be Nov. 7, 2024.

We continue to move forward with various business opportunities and make

Sparta a great place to live, work, and play. God Bless you all this week.

Be safe out there. Finish strong.


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