The tree on the road to Jerusalem

Christpoint Church


Sometimes we may get a little upset or even hurt feelings over what was said, done, or what we think was said. Maybe we’ve become so enraged that we stormed away in anger or even punched a wall or two. Everyone has been there from time to time, I’m sure. Hey, you’re in good company because Jesus even had a day like that. Let’s dive into scripture and spend an evening and the following day with Jesus as recorded in Mark chapter 11.

Jesus fulfills prophesy spoken about him from hundreds of years earlier when he entered Jerusalem in a king-type atmosphere. Crowds are gathered like a conqueror returning from the battle. They lay their clothing on the ground before him and even break branches from the trees to honor him. When the parade was over, Jesus took a quiet survey of the temple and took note of the marketplace culture and left quietly. He retreated from Jerusalem into the town of Bethany.

The next morning, as he headed back to Jerusalem, he noticed a fig tree in green foliage but out of season for figs, and he cursed it and it died. He then entered the temple and whipped the merchants and turned over their tables.

Jesus had one of those days, but he didn’t become angry and react in his emotions. He was premeditated and intentional in constructing a whip the night before, cursing the tree on the way and whipping the merchants in the temple. We may ask why Jesus would seemingly be so unfair to the tree when it was clearly not the season for mature fruit. The answer lies in the meaning. The fig tree represents Israel. The last thing Jesus saw when he left Jerusalem was the appearance of Godliness but denying the power. The first thing he saw the next morning on the road in the fig tree again was the appearance of Godliness but denying the power.

Jesus cursed an object yet whipped the people. Yes, the tree was not in season but in representation of Israel, coupled with the unrighteousness culture of the temple, Jesus was illustrating that if we are going to call ourselves by his name, then we must be fruitful as he is fruitful - and that is all the time, in season and out of season. The temple was his teaching concerning righteousness. The tree was Jesus’ visual of the dangers of continuing a life of fruitlessness. He was clearly showing us that to look fake would have an appearance of life but left unchanged and unfruitful would lead to death.

Let’s challenge ourselves to ask the question, “Are my words bringing forth fruit or a fake version of fruitfulness?” Let’s thank God that he still cares enough that he is willing to whip us to get our attention.

Meet us this Sunday on Liberty Square, in Sparta, at one of our three service opportunities: 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m., or 11:30 a.m. We are Christpoint Church, and we’re real people, living real lives, serving a real God. Welcome home.  


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