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You have some valid points. In the preamble the founding fathers sets forth the purpose of the Constitution. They wanted a nation that would maintain justice and would insure peace. They envisioned a nation where everyone would join together to protect and defend each other. They expected the nation to make choices that would benefit the good of everyone, not just a selected few.

The founders of our nation agreed it would be for the benefit of everyone to establish a representative democracy to determine what goods and services met the objective established when they signed the Constitution in 1787. Officials are elected as a means to that end.

Local, state and national elected officials determine what goods and services are needed to make us a better nation. Some of those services and goods include law enforcement, public schools, road construction, municipal services such as fire departments and sanitation workers. The elected officials also award government funds to private businesses who provide goods and services determined to be in the good of the nation. When government funds are distributed to private businesses some regulations are established to verify the funds are used to promote the general welfare of the nation.

The challenge is to determine what goods and which services are necessary for the nation to function for the benefit of all. This process is politically managed by a representative democracy. Elected officials determine who funds the government. They have three choices. Government can be funded by businesses, by individuals but hopefully by both.

So is your issue who funds the healthcare system? I think we both would agree health care is a service that does promote the general welfare of a nation. It would probably be wise to not tell those over 65 the government is going to take away Medicare.

From: Capitalism or socialism: Which one is more democratic?

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