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This is the season to reflect on the beginning of the goodness given to the world, our Savior. It is the greatest gift His Father could give to the world. He knew the gift of His son would save the world. His Son did not choose to sacrifice His life. He did His Father's will.

Luke 22:42 42 "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will , but yours be done ."

If He can make the ultimate sacrifice of His life for others are we willing to make a tiny sacrifice for others? It may not be our will to wear a mask but are we willing to sacrifice our right as a gift to others for just a few weeks?

Our hospitals and elected officials, including the White County Executive, are begging us to take is action. Regardless of our convictions of the effectiveness of wearing a mask it is the number one recommendation to help slow the loss of our loved ones. Wearing a mask isn't mandated in White County. It is your choice. It is such a simple harmless action. 20 families in our community have lost loves ones to Covid. In this season of celebration of caring and giving they will grieve.

Do we really sacrifice when we wear a mask? Are we willing to wear a mask for just a few weeks to show our concern for others, even if it is not our will?

What would He say? What would He do?

May God bless you during this Christmas season.

Help is on the way. This is the draft document needed for distribution to the counties in TN. The vaccine will be here soon. Once this document is submitted and approved we will know where and when to get that help.

From: U.C. county mayors, execs not seeking regional mask mandate

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