Academic Spotlight- Jordan Fisk


Jordan Fisk, a senior at White County High School, has become a standout student, balancing rigorous academics and extracurriculars while pursuing her passion for art and literature. Her journey has been one marked by personal growth, hard work, and the desire to not only break barriers but to set an example for others.

When asked about her favorite subjects, Jordan speaks with enthusiasm about her love for English and literature.

“My mom is a reader, so I became a reader,” she shared. It’s no surprise that her early love for reading has blossomed into a passion for writing as well, an interest she’s carried with her throughout high school. Jordan’s love for both reading and writing has translated into a leadership role in the school’s book club, where she serves as a co-leader.

Her involvement in the Writer’s Society, which she also co-leads, reflects her creative spirit. Each week, Jordan creates or curates prompts for her fellow members to explore.

“It’s really a chance for everyone to express themselves,” she explained. Whether it’s through literature or personal writing, her creative energy has been a guiding force during her time at WCHS.

While Jordan has always excelled in subjects she enjoys, her academic path wasn’t always clear.

“Freshman year, I didn’t take any honors classes,” she admitted. “I didn’t think I was good enough.”

That self-doubt began to fade as her teachers saw her potential and encouraged her to push her limits. One of the pivotal moments in her academic journey came when her sophomore English teacher, Mrs. Farris, convinced her to take AP English and Composition with Mrs. Swift.

“I took that class, and I excelled,” Jordan said with a smile. “After that, I just kept going.”

Jordan is now enrolled in several advanced classes, balancing an impressive academic load that includes AP and dual enrollment courses. This growth is a testament to her perseverance and belief in herself, even when the path seemed difficult.

A major source of motivation for Jordan has been her dream of becoming the first person in her family to graduate from college.

“My dad attempted but didn’t succeed, and my grandmother didn’t graduate high school,” she shared. “I want to be the first person to go to college.” It’s a goal that’s driven her to reach for higher academic achievements and set her sights on a bright future.

Despite her packed schedule, Jordan knows when to step back and reassess her priorities.

“If I start feeling overwhelmed, I cut back on either extracurriculars or work hours,” she said.

Striking a balance between school, clubs, and her personal life is key to her success. This self-awareness allows her to maintain a steady focus on her goals without feeling overburdened.

Art has been at the heart of Jordan’s high school experience, guiding her career aspirations. Originally, Jordan pursued culinary studies, but her passion for art never waned. After taking an art class during her sophomore year, she shifted back to what she truly loved. Under the guidance of WCHS art teacher Mrs. Amaral, Jordan’s talent has flourished.

“She [Jordan] is amazing and talented and creative and enthusiastic, and there’s not a bad thing you could say about her,” Mrs. Amaral said.

With her teacher’s support, Jordan has become confident in her decision to pursue a future in the arts.

“I know what I want to do, and I know where I want to go,” she stated proudly.

As Jordan’s time at WCHS ends, her academic accomplishments, creativity, and leadership have left a lasting impact. Whether through her involvement in clubs, her success in advanced classes, or her determination to break new ground for her family, Jordan has shown that, with hard work and passion, anything is possible.         


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