Letter to SpartaLive

From Lisa Bivens


Dear SpartaLive,

I have lived in White County since 2018.  This year, I learned that Resolution 04-02-2024 will raise White County taxes from 9.25% to 9.75%.  This Resolution will be on the Primary election Ballot this August.

Currently, the city of Sparta taxes purchases made within the city limits @ 9.75%.  But, the state keeps 7%.

If the County sales tax is increased by 0.5% or up to 9.75%, the city of Sparta will be required by law to split their current monthly amount of $79,400 with the county.

What this means is:  a minimal county tax increase of 0.5% will provide the county with at least $39,700 more each month for their current needs. This county revenue increase can be used to fund EMS and firefighter personnel, improve salaries of sheriff’s deputies and correction officers and help fund the needs of the White County Animal Shelter. 

If you support White County and want it to grow in a positive way, Vote YES for Resolution 04-02-2024.

Concerned citizen,

Lisa Bivens      


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