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Since the Christian religion was established, many have talked about being a Christian rather than living out their faith as a living epistle.  There is a major difference between talking about … more
Anyone can probably testify to the selfishness within people of today’s time.  It seems the more time passes, the more people, in general, become more self-absorbed, self-centered, … more
It’s election season, and the loudest selling point from each candidate is fear. If that person can sell enough fear concerning the other candidate, or the economy, or any other hot topic, then … more
Near the end of October each year, some Christians begin to be festive with a celebration of darkness that opposes light.  Halloween represents the absence of light, death, fear, tricks, horror, … more
Make plans to attend Faith, Friends & Fellowship Conference, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024, at the DeKalb County Complex, in Smithville. This free event features worship and special … more
There is a plague that is found within many lukewarm churches and lukewarm Christians.  This plague is the degrading of the person of Jesus Christ into a modern cultural figure.  To listen … more
Since the Playl Jr. family moved to the Nashville area, about six years ago, Grayson and Anderson have enjoyed the luxury of their own personal room. Privacy! But when they lived here, in Bristol, … more
In the movie “Jurassic Park,” the wealthy John Hammond spared no expense in extracting dinosaur blood from mosquitoes long ago trapped in fossilized tree sap. I know it sounds far-fetched … more
 The word consistent is defined as marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity.  It also means free from variation or contradiction.  This word should describe Christians … more
The annual Faith Jam, likened to a Christian Bonnaroo, is set to take center stage at the White County Fairgrounds, on Sept. 28. Now in its third year, the event has garnered increasing popularity, … more
In today’s time, many choices must be made.  The choice of going to church or not.  The choice of attending an entertainment church or attending a biblical-based church.  The … more
The sneaky thing about being deceived is, you can easily not know you are being deceived until you’re already deceived. Joshua was called to lead the nation of Israel into the long awaited … more
For review, without repentance, a person cannot have a relationship with God leaving that person separated in the present but also for eternity.  Those who do not repent of sin will face Hell as … more
As a review for this topic, many churches use services to gather people together, perform the newest songs on Christian radio, and allow the popular speaker to share a motivational speech all around … more
 Have you ever just had a problem you didn’t know what to do about? Maybe it was a pest problem, something financial or personal. Many of our problems are self-inflicted, and other issues … more
 As a review for this topic, Jesus gave His followers a list of things they were commanded to do to qualify as Christians to obey the author and finisher of their faith (Hebrews 12:2).  The … more
Sometimes we may get a little upset or even hurt feelings over what was said, done, or what we think was said. Maybe we’ve become so enraged that we stormed away in anger or even punched a wall … more
For many churches, services are to gather the people together, perform the newest songs on Christian radio, and allow the popular speaker to share a motivational speech all around an hour … more
There are so many churches within the United States and this region.  Although there may be so many churches, or at least social gatherings, not every church is making true Christians.  The … more
 I spent a lot of days in the back yard with one of my granddaughters teaching her to hit a softball. I would work with her on the basic fundamentals associated with hitting, but the most … more
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