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I'm actually appalled that the Expositor would allow this man to continue to post things to this website. Everything he brings forth is based in absolutely no-evidence. He keeps saying, "I have evidence that I could show you, but I'll do it at another time" which equals "I have nothing but conspiracy theories." Nothing he has is based in fact, and also the facts that he brings forth are not even true. Thanks to an OBAMA era policy that was led and passed under President Obama. the US will be energy independent by 2023. That was without all of these things that this man says that President Trump has done to make us "energy independent". The fact is, President Biden has already stood up to these countries on the international stage, especially Russia. Unlike President Trump, Joe Biden does not have a man crush on Vladimir Putin and Kim-Jong Un. He aspires to be president, not dictator.

Also, President Biden is not "posing" as US president. He was fairly and rightfully elected. The election officials that oversaw the so called fraud in the states that they have contested were republicans. There is no evidence of voter fraud or tampered election, hence why there have been no cases that have gotten anywhere near court. This is also evidenced by the fact that all of President Trumps attorneys would resign from the cases when it came time. You don't get jail time for saying lies in the press, but you do when you say lies under oath, which is why they would not go forward with it. Also, Dominion, the company that manufactured and distributed the ballot boxes, has opened a defamation lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani for over $1 million, which he has conveniently changed his tune and admitted that the ballot boxes were not tampered. with. If there was fraud, it would have been found in court. The fact is, there is absolutely no evidence of it. Joe Biden beat Donald Trump, and people can't believe it. He was a one-term president. I understand that this can hurt when you support someone. It's like when your favorite team gets beat by a team that has no business being in the same stadium. It happened though. And yes, Trump supporters organized and attacked the capital. And yes, Donald Trump had a hand in inciting them and should not be allowed to run for office again. I understand the denial. There are a lot of good people who voted for President Trump and you can't imagine that something that you supported so staunchly could turn out like it did. So facts are ignored to fit a narrative that helps you sleep better. Maybe that's why our author gets no sleep. He keeps spreading misinformation and Qanon conspiracies to the public

.If you believe that a conspiracy is so large that it involved every Republican, Democrat, court-judge, official except for President Trump and a few cult followers, then you really are missing the picture. There's nothing I could write in this to change your mind. Which is the larger problem of today's society. Instead of finding newstories from reputable news sources, we trust everything we see shared on Facebook. We believe every word of Qanon conspiracy theories from Jerry Jones. We only watch Fox News, and because they won't say that President Trump was cheated and won't tell me what I want to hear, we go to Newsmax, who opens their shows by saying that their programming is for entertainment purposes so that they won't get sued. The former institutions of journalism as the gatekeepers of what should be right and accurate information are gone. Especially when we let people post things like this.

I hope one day, we will value common sense again over what a politician tells us to do. I truly think President Biden will try to heal some wounds. If you get mad that he enforces some democratic policies, he's a democratic president. Why wouldn't he? Just like President Trump and Bush before him would do Republican policies.

Also,and lastly, Socialism is not Communism. These are two completely different political structures. One does not lead to the other. I think that it's a shame that the editors of the Expositor have let things like that fly on their website. If you can't remember your high school government or college political science class, then you probably shouldn't be writing an ed piece for a newspaper. A simple Google search will prove him wrong with this (From Google: The main difference is that socialism is compatible with democracy and liberty, whereas Communism involves creating an 'equal society' through an authoritarian state, which denies basic liberties.) But also, a simple Google search will prove just about all he says wrong. Think for yourself, and search out the truth from credible sources. if you think that there aren't any, look at the two sources from opposite sides, and find what's in the middle. Or go to


From: Bad news and bad dreams!

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