A busy night at the meeting of the White County Board of Commissioners began with the election of new officers.
After a roll call determined that two commissioners, Lanny Selby (District 4) and David Cranford (District 2), were absent, the chairman for the term ending, Robert McCormick (District 3), opened the floor for approval of the minutes from the August meeting and the reports from committees and the Grand Jury. He then thanked the other commissioners for allowing him to serve as chairman for the term and opened nominations for the new chairman. Commissioner Dakota White (District 4) nominated commissioner Kyle Goff (District 7) for chairman. Commissioner Cain Rogers (District 1) motioned that all nominations cease and Kyle Goff be elected by acclamation. After Goff’s election, the new Chairman continued the nomination and election of officers.
All further nominations and elections by those commissioners present were also unopposed and unanimous. Commissioner Dakota White was elected vice chairman. Commissioner Derrick Hutchings (District 6) was elected parliamentarian. The commission then considered and approved a packet of resolutions from the nominating committee, nominating commissioners to serve on the various county committees and boards. The packet was approved as a group with only Resolution 67-09-2023, nominating Commissioner Kyle Goff to serve on the purchasing committee, being pulled for separate consideration. After offering an amendment to replace Commissioner Goff on the committee with Commissioner T.K. Austin (District 2), the commissioners approved the resolution.
The commission then approved two resolutions from Steering B Committee. The first resolution was a Mutual Aid Agreement with the City of Sparta, allowing Sparta Police to aid in matters occurring in White County outside of the city limits. The second resolution was a Lease Agreement with the Chamber of Commerce for the old bank building at 113 E. Bockman Way. The building will be the new home of the Chamber. It will eventually also be home to the White County Clerk’s Office, with residents being able to conduct transactions, like renewing their automotive tags, at the drive-thru window. When asked when she expected to move, County Clerk Sasha Wilson said she did not expect it to be soon. County Executive Denny Wayne Robinson said, “With the approval of the Lease Agreement, the Chamber can occupy the location as soon as possible. If they choose to.”
Next on the agenda was a packet of resolutions from the Budget Committee, including money to clean the Rowland Sawmill property. The packet was approved, and the subsequent resolution from the Solid Waste Committee for a Capital Outlay Note was also approved. The note borrows $1.15 million to exercise the county’s option on a parcel of land adjacent to the County Landfill owned by David Sain at approximately $10,000 per acre for about 50 acres, with additional money to compensate for the home on the property. The funds will also purchase a new front-end truck for the county. The term of the note is seven years.
Under old business, county executive Denny Wayne Robinson asked the commissioners to approve resolutions from the committee meetings designating specific county property as surplus. The resolutions should have been included in the agenda. The commissioners approved designating the items as surplus.
Having no new business, the chairman opened the floor for public comment. Three community members, school board member Dewayne Howard, Pastor Dale Walker, and Shelly Daniels (wife of District 7 Commissioner Larry Daniels), spoke about the school board and a White County Middle School writing assignment. (See additional story on 1A.)
After asking for and hearing no requests to speak on matters other than the writing assignment, the meeting was officially adjourned.
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