Captain Sally Tompkins 2123 United Daughter of the Confederacy recently held their annual banquet at Nick’s Restaurant. An interesting program was given by Commander Jim Lotis, Myers Zollicoffer #1990 SCV, on “The Confederate Giant.”
Pamela Wood presented years of service certificates to members:
Martha Sue Broyles, 35 years; Barbara B. Parsons, 35 years; Susan B. Harris, 30 years; Sherry Beth Broyles McCulley, 30 years; Kimberly Ann Parker, 25 years; Hattie “Rickie’ Harris, 25 years; Elizabeth Hope Parsons, 25 years; Donna R. Hamilton, 20 years; Faye H. Monk, 20 years; Kristie H. Welch, 20 years.
The very first Legacy application for the UDC was awarded to the mother of Donna Hamilton, Hazel Ruth Hyder. Making the presentation was Chapter President Theresa Loftis. Sherry Beth McCulley installed the newly elected officers: President Theresa Loftis; Vice President Barbara Parsons; 2nd Vice President
Betty Ledbetter; Recording Secretary Pamela Wood; Treasurer Donna Hamilton; Registrar Pam Looper. Not pictured: 3rd Vice President Mary Argo; Recorder of Military Service Awards Amanda Roberts; and appointment officers Chaplain Matilda Speck; and Parliamentarian Jayne Barns.
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