Minute with the Mayor


One of the most asked questions the past two months has been concerning the old Sparta Hardware building.  The city of Sparta has done everything legally we can do at this time.  The city has now taken bids to get the building taken down and cleaned up.

We are unsure at this time how this process will play out, however, the plan is to get the building down so we will be able to open our street back up.  There are many moving legal parts in play at this time and add to the fact that the Tennessee Department of Transportation must be a part of this process with certain permits and plans, things take time. 

Know and understand we are active and doing what we can as we follow the legal aspects of this venture.  I would also remind the public that using social media to get your news and answers to issues is not the best way to get your information. 

Be safe out there, and FINISH STRONG.    


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