Athlete Spotlight-Breanna Powell


Breanna Powell is a standout student-athlete whose dedication to sports, academics, and leadership has made her a key figure in her school community. A senior at White County High School, Breanna has balanced playing soccer, running cross country and track, and competing in flag football—all while maintaining her academic responsibilities.

Breanna’s athletic journey began in 7th grade when she decided to try something new by joining the soccer team. Since then, she has embraced multiple sports, excelling in each one. She played flag football for the first time last year when it was introduced as a new sport and quickly fell in love with the challenge it presented. In addition, she has participated in cross country for all four years of high school and joined the track team during her junior year.

When asked about her proudest moment in sports, Breanna fondly recalls scoring a goal in Watertown during her freshman year in soccer. However, she also values her experiences in cross country, particularly the state qualifier, which she has competed in each year of high school.

“I love state qualifier,” she says. “It’s like the last run of the season, and we get to spend the day together as a team. It’s a lot of fun, from breakfast in the morning to hanging out after the race.”

Balancing academics with a demanding sports schedule is no easy feat, but Breanna has mastered the art of time management.

“I usually put school first,” she explains. “I make sure to get all my homework and schoolwork done before going to practice, and then I come home and finish any makeup work.”

This approach ensures that she remains focused on both her academic and athletic goals.

One of Breanna’s greatest inspirations is her mother, who has been a constant source of support throughout her athletic journey. When it comes to staying prepared during the off-season, Breanna emphasizes the importance of self-discipline. While she doesn’t have much of an off-season, given her year-round sports schedule, she takes it upon herself to run and stay in shape whenever she has downtime.

“I try to run a lot more now than I used to,” she says, adding that staying active between sports seasons has improved her overall performance.

Breanna’s leadership and work ethic have not gone unnoticed by her teachers and coaches. Mrs. Eller, one of Breanna’s teachers, praises her for her determination and ability to balance her commitments.

“Breanna has an amazing work ethic,” Eller says. “She’s always determined to do her best, both in class and out. She’s a quiet leader but a strong role model for younger students.”

In addition to her athletic accomplishments, Breanna has played a key role in her school’s FFA (Future Farmers of America) chapter. She has helped organize events such as Liberty Square, where she led efforts to educate the community about agricultural safety. Her leadership in FFA has been just as impactful as her athletic contributions, showcasing her ability to excel in various areas.

As Breanna prepares for the next chapter of her life, her teachers and peers are confident that she will continue to thrive, no matter what path she chooses. Whether on the field, on the track, or in the classroom, Breanna Powell has demonstrated that hard work, dedication, and passion can lead to success in every aspect of life.


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